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Parenting and Work-life Harmony

Parenting and Work-life Harmony
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Topic Covered

• Secure attachments in child development
• Impact of work-related stress on family dynamics
• Emotional Regulation Techniques
• How to integrate relationship-building strategies with children into busy work schedules


• 兒童發展中的安全依附
• 工作壓力對家庭動態的影響
• 情緒調節技巧
• 如何將與孩子建立關係的策略融入繁忙的工作日程中


Interactive F2F or online training (includes role-plays, polls, group discussion). Optimal number of participants: 20-30.


互動式的面對面或線上培訓 (包括角色扮演、投票、小組討論)。最佳參與人數:20-30人。