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Mental Health First Aiders: Maximising impact - Cantonese session (精神健康急救員:發揮最大影響力 - 廣東話/粵語)

Mental Health First Aiders: Maximising impact - Cantonese session (精神健康急救員:發揮最大影響力 - 廣東話/粵語)
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22 Aug 2024 

精神健康急救員:發揮最大影響力 - 廣東話/粵語

日期: 2024年8月22日 (星期四)

時間: 下午5:00 - 6:30

地點: 觀塘道388號渣打銀行中心5樓

自2021年起,香港城市精神健康聯盟(CMHA HK)已為15個機構培訓超過550名精神健康急救員。在這個夏天, 香港城市精神健康聯盟將與渣打銀行(SCB)合辦兩場專為在商業機構工作的精神健康急救員而設的活動並提供支援。活動將以英語和廣東話進行。我們誠邀所有通過香港城市精神健康聯盟(CMHA HK) 培訓的精神健康急救員參加是次活動。

這個活動將為精神健康急救員提互相交流及聯誼的機會, 並討論在擔當精神健康急救員角色中遇到的挑戰。廣東話場次將由資深的培訓導師 Cherry Mok 主持。

我們是次活動的目標是為精神健康急救員創造一個支援性的平台, 讓來自不同機構的精神健康急救員可聯繫, 互相扶持,並建立一個精神健康急救校友社區。

Cantonese session:   Thursday, 22 August, 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM
Location: 5/F Standard Chartered Tower, 388 Kwun Tong Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon

Since 2021, CMHA HK has delivered Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training to 550+ individuals across 15 organisations. This summer, CMHA HK, in collaboration with Standard Chartered Bank (SCB), will host two events to provide targeted support for MHFAiders working in the HK business sector. The sessions will be conducted in English and Cantonese. Anyone who has completed MHFA training with CMHA HK is invited to join us.

This session will provide a valuable opportunity for MHFAiders to connect, share their experiences, and discuss any challenges they have encountered on their MHFA journey. This English session will be facilitated by our experienced trainer, Kimberly Ho.

Our goal for these sessions is to create a supportive platform for MHFAiders, provide a networking opportunity for MHFAiders in different companies to connect, and to establish an MHFA alumni community.